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fort campbell kentucky weather

Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather - FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. - A winter storm is expected to hit Fort Campbell starting Wednesday and continuing through the week. Please take the necessary precautions to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your family. After the rain stops around 6am on Thursday, temperatures are expected to remain between 2 and 34 degrees for the next 48 hours. Expect hazardous road conditions during this period.

Rain turns to snow and then snow. Crews are expected to be released early, with the exception of project personnel required for operations due to weather, at 1:00 p.m. Ft. Campbell schools will be on the school schedule on Tuesday. Agent and Postal Exchange (PX) Food Court closes at 1300; PX Retail will close at 1400. The Kentucky Express Shoppette will be open until 8:00 p.m. - depends on the weather.

Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather

Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather

A decision on military service will be made on Wednesday, March 4 at 1600. Schools, post offices, shops and offices will be closed. The Kentucky Express Shoppette will be open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. - depends on the weather.

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Due to impending hazardous weather and to facilitate snow removal, the Provost and Chief of Police have prohibited street parking, including road shoulders, until further notice in the afternoon on Wednesday, March 4th. Violators will be towed immediately without further notice and at the owner's expense. Pull vehicle into your driveway or yard if necessary.

Post house families should take precautions to prevent indoor plumbing from bursting by running faucets and opening closet doors to let heat flow.

Finally, make sure the sidewalks and driveways around your home are free of ice by early salting for ice and snow. With the exception of main roads, snow and ice are not expected in residential areas. This is a personal responsibility.

The above information also applies to the path of the soldiers in the army and their units. Stay tuned to the US Army Fort Campbell Facebook page for more information and updates. The National Weather Service is also available at and If you are heading to Fort Campbell, just off the Kentucky-Tennessee border, you will find yourself in a temperate climate. You will enjoy four different seasons with hot summers and mild winters. Read on to learn more about Fort Campbell's weather so you can be prepared for any activity, whether it's an extensive outdoor workout or a workout in your own backyard.

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It can be cool at night, but spring days are comfortable in Fort Campbell. Dressing in layers is a great way to adjust to changing temperatures throughout the day. You may also need an umbrella and rain jacket for those rainy spring days. While it may be true that "April showers bring May flowers," you should know that Fort Campbell receives rain year-round.

In southern Kentucky and northern Tennessee, summers are hot and rainy, which can be difficult if you're not used to the humidity. Fortunately, the cool nights bring relief. Light material and colors help to keep cool. Don't forget to put on sunscreen even if it's cloudy. You can still get sunburned on a cloudy day!

Due to the high summer heat in the region, it is important to take precautions to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If possible, stay indoors if the temperature is extreme. Drink plenty of cool fluids, especially water, even if you are not thirsty. Avoid alcohol as it dehydrates the body. Eat small, frequent meals and avoid high-protein foods because they increase your metabolic rate.

Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather

If you must go out, don't go out at lunch. Avoid strenuous activity and stay hydrated. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include profuse sweating; weakness; cold, pale and pale skin; rapid, weak pulse; nausea or vomiting; and fainting. If you notice symptoms of heat exhaustion, you should move to a cooler place. Lie down, undress, then apply cool, wet washcloths to your body. Drink water. If you vomit, seek medical attention immediately. You should also seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms of heatstroke, such as a body temperature above 103 degrees; hot, red, dry or moist skin; rapid and strong pulse; or loss of consciousness.

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Fall in Fort Campbell is colorful and cool. The Leafs put on a live show you won't want to miss, but come October you'll be grabbing a jacket as you walk out the door. Wear in layers for all-day comfort.

Fort Campbell's winters are mild, but blizzards are out of the question. Warm clothes for cold winter temperatures will help you stay toasty even when Jack Frost comes to visit. Winter jackets, wool sweaters and pullovers, wool socks, gloves and tightly knit hats help keep the heat close. Average annual snowfall in Fort Campbell is only 5 inches.

Potential weather hazards in Fort Campbell include thunderstorms, floods, tornadoes and winter storms. For more information on protecting yourself from weather hazards in Fort Campbell, check out the Kentucky Emergency Management Agency and Tennessee Emergency Management Agency websites.

Severe thunderstorms can strike with force; bring strong winds, lightning, floods and hail; and turn into a spinner in a matter of seconds. Heed storm warnings. Remember the rule: "When the thunder roars, go home." The National Weather Service recommends following the 30/30 rule: People should take shelter when the "lightning delay" -- the time from a lightning strike to the appearance of a thunderstorm -- is 30 seconds or less, and stay sheltered for 30 minutes after the last thunderstorm.

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Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. If you are out in the rain, seek higher ground. Avoid wading through floodwaters—even 6 inches of water can sweep you off your feet. If you are driving, avoid flooded areas. Most deaths in floods occur when people cross floodplains. Roads covered by water must not be damaged. Only one foot of water can move a car. If your vehicle stalls, get away from it immediately and seek higher ground. Rapidly rising water can engulf a vehicle and sweep it away.

Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year, but are most common in the spring. Tornadoes can develop quickly with minimal warning, so it's important to have a plan before they happen. If a tornado watch is issued, it means that weather conditions are favorable for a tornado, such as during severe thunderstorms. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado funnel is seen or indicated by weather radar. You should seek shelter immediately during a tornado warning.

Prepare for a winter storm by putting together a disaster kit for your home and car. Winterize your car before winter storm season hits. Listen to weather forecasts and plan ahead.

Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather

When winter storms and hurricanes occur, the dangers include high winds, blinding snow and freezing cold. Avoid unnecessary travel and stay home during hurricanes and warnings.

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Winter storms can also cause power outages. In the event of a power outage, gather in a central room with a backup heat source. Only use fireplaces, wood stoves and other heaters if they are properly ventilated from the outside. Never use an electric generator or gas or charcoal grill at home. Fumes are deadly. If you use a heater, keep the heater away from anything that could catch fire (curtains, furniture or bedding) and never leave it unattended. To prevent the pipes from freezing and bursting, leave the faucets slightly open so that they leak continuously.

From hot summer days to cold winter nights, Fort Campbell experiences a variety of weather conditions. But, with a few exceptions, the military does not stop training because of cold weather or heat waves. Whether you're shooting in January or running an obstacle course in July, be sure to bring or buy personal gear that can withstand all conditions. From cold winter nights to hot summer days, a wide variety of uniforms and clothing are essential to stay healthy and productive in the field.

When summer days are dangerously hot, service providers are alerted to a red or black flag situation. Outdoor activities may be suspended or postponed on these days to prevent heat illness among employees.

With preparation and adjustment, you will appreciate all four seasons in your new Fort Campbell home. And if you still don't know what the upcoming day holds, you can always check online or local news stations for the latest forecasts and other relevant announcements.

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Fort Campbell Kentucky Weather

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